New Horror chill'd Their Veins; devote They saw
Themselves to wretched Doom: with Efforts vain,
Encouraged by Despair, or Obstinate
To Fall like Men in Arms, Some dare renew
Feeble Engagement, meeting Glorious Fate
On the firm Land; the Rest discomfited,
And pusht by MARLEBOROUGH's avengeful Hand,
Leap plunging in the wide extended Flood:
Bands, numerous as the Memphian Soldiery
That swell'd the Erythræan Wave, when Wall'd
The Unfroze Waters marvelously stood,
Observant of the Great Command. Upbore
By frothy Billows Thousands float the Stream
In cumbrous Mail, with love of farther Shore;
Confiding in their Hands, that sed'lous strive
To cut th'outragious Fluent: In this Distress,
Ev'n in the fight of Death, Some, Tokens shew
Of fearless Friendship, and their sinking Mates
Sustain; vain Love, thô laudable! absorpt
By a fierce Eddy, They together found
The vast Profundity; their Horses paw
The swelling Surge, with fruitless Toil: Surcharg'd,
And in his Course obstructed by large Spoil,
The River flows redundant, and attacks
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