Impurpl'd ran, with gushing Gore distain'd.
Thus the Experience'd Valour of One Man,
Mighty in Conflict, rescu'd harrast Pow'rs
From Ruin impendent, and th’ afflicted Throne
Imperial, that once Lorded o’er the World,
Sustain’d. With prudent Stay, he long deferr’d
The rough Contention, nor would deign to rout
An Host disparted; when, in Union firm
Embody’d, They Advanc’d, collecting All
Their Strength, and worthy seem’d to be subdu’d;
He the proud Boafters sent, with stern Assault,
Down to the Realms of Night. The British Souls,
(A Lamentable Race!) that ceas'd to breathe,
On Landen-Plains, this Heav’nly Gladsome Air,
Exult to see the crouding Ghosts descend
Unnumber'd; well aveng’d, they quit the Cares
Of Mortal Life, and Drink th’ Oblivious Lake.
Not so the New Inhabitants; They roam
Erroneous, and disconsolate, Themselves
Accusing, and their Chiefs, improvident
Of Military Chance; when-lo! They see,
Thrô the Dun Mist, in Blooming Beauty fresh,
Two Lovely Youths, that Amicably walkt
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