Hail, Mighty QUEEN, reserv'd by Fate, to Grace
The New-born Age; what Hopes may we conceive
Of future Years, when to Thy Early Reign
Neptune submits his Trident, and Thy Arms
Already have prevail'd to th'utmost Bound
Hesperian, Calpe, by Alcides fixt,
Mountain Sublime, that crafts a Shade of Length
Immeasurable, and Rules the Inland Waves!
Let Others, with Insatiate Thirst of Rule,
Invade their Neighbours Lands, neglect the Ties
Of Leagues, and Oaths; this Thy peculiar Praise
Be still, to Study Right and Quell the Force
Of Kings Perfidious; let them learn from Thee,
That neither Strength, nor Policy refin'd
Shall with Success be Crown'd, where Justice fails.
Thou with Thy own Content, not for Thy Self,
Subduest Regions; Generous to Raise
The Suppliant Knee, and Curb the Rebel Neck.
The German Boasts Thy Conquests, and Enjoys
The Great Advantage; nought to Thee redounds
But Satisfaction from Thy Conscious Mind.
Auspicious QUEEN, since in Thy Realms secure
Of Peace, Thou Reign'st, and Victory attends