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Angels singing and praising God.

The Ritual for the Celebration of Matrimony

The priest, vested in a surplice and white stole (or vested as for Mass, but without maniple, if the Nuptial Mass is to follow), attended by the server holding a vessel of holy water, asks, in the vernacular, in the hearing of two or more witnesses, the bridegroom and the bride separately, concerning their consent. First he asks the bridegroom, who stands at the right hand of the bride:

N., WILT thou take N., here present, for thy lawful wife, according to the Rite of our holy Mother the Church?

R. I will.

The priest then asks the bride:

N., WILT thou take N., here present, for thy lawful husband, according to the Rite of our holy Mother the Church?

R. I will.

The consent must be expressed by both. Having obtained this mutual consent, the priest bids the man and woman join their right hands.

In most places it is customary for the man and woman to pledge themselves one to the other as follows, repeating these words after the priest: