Page:Blood examination.djvu/32

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once adopted and patient went out on 4th April, feeling, as he said, "a new man," temperature having been just sub-normal for 14 days.

Case 3. A. A. M., from Calcutta. Admitted, 10th December 1904. In June 1904 quite well after a visit to England, then, one week after return to India, taken ill, with repeated fevers. Lost weight. On admission spleen enlarged one handsbreadth below costal margin; liver one inch below costal margin in nipple line. White corpuscles, 1900. Polymorpho-nuclears, 45.5 per cent. Large mononuclears, 11 per cent. Lymphocytes, 39 per cent. Eosinophils, 1 per cent. Transitional, 3.5 per cent. No parasites found in blood. Hepatic puncture revealed Leishman-Donovan bodies.

Case 4. C. A., a lascar sailor from Bombay. Admitted, 27th March 1906, with phthisis of left lung. Irregular quotidian, temperature up to 104°. Sweats at night. Spleen slightly enlarged. Blood examination revealed subtertian crescents and rings. Quinine was administered and patient discharged much improved with no parasites to be found in his blood. (Had no blood examination been made