Page:Bob Chester's Grit.djvu/145

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the train started, and as the last car reached him, the conductor climbed on.

"Have any trouble when we started?" one of the brakemen was asking Bob as Hosmer entered the car.

"Pretty near. I was just crossing from a high to a low car, when the jerk came. But I managed to hang on."

"Good boy," chorused the train crew, all of whom realized too well the danger to which the boy had been subjected.

"But when we stopped on the siding, why didn't you get down?" asked the conductor.

"Because I was listening," announced Bob with a manner of mystery that would have been droll were his face not so serious.

"Listening?" exclaimed the others, instantly alert.

"Yes. I was just going to get down, when I heard some one speak, and then I waited."

"Hoboes," growled a brakeman, jumping up and seizing a short club. "What car were they on, kid?"

"The first coal car from the engine. But you mustn't go up there. They are bad men."

This warning was greeted with laughter by the brakemen, the others of whom had also picked up clubs.