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THERE was a time, when in each nation’s ear
The name of Czechs right gloriously sounded;
By heroes borne, by dukes unknown to fear,
Its fame and praise all Europe thro’ redounded.
There was a time Bohemians proudly bore
The splendid, glorious, mighty Czeskish name;
When ev’ry muse and science to adore
To all Bohemia’s sons was pride and fame.
There was a time, when from a throne on high
The ‘sweet Bohemian tongue’[1] was heard to sound;
Entrancing music, heav’nly harmony,
In princely palaces it spread around.
O then the Czech was proud a Czech to be!
Proud to maintain the honour of his race!
Bloom’d in the Lions land prosperity[2],
Such as but patriot nations e’er can grace!
- ↑ The expression of the Emperor Charles IV.
- ↑ The Lion with two tails is the emblem of Bohemia.