Page:Bonnie wood of Craigie lea.pdf/6

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That over a five bar gate could jump,
I bought him from Mr Fielding.
When I was mounted on my steed,
I looked most bold and daring,
Then to the road I let with speed,
no man I now was fearing.

That night I robb'd lord Arkinstone,
nigh unto Covent Garden,
And two or three hours after that,
I robb'd the Earl of Warren.
Through streets broad-streets, and lanes also,
I robb'd Lords, Dukes, and Earls,
Myself in grandeur to maintain,
and to support my girls

I never robb'd a poor man in my life
but the of high character,
I robb'd nigh unto Turnhan-green,
a revenue Collector.
Fire hundred pounds I took from him
and smiling it was ready
A hundred guineas of bright gold,
I did return his lady.

Wherever I saw the distressed poor,
when poverty did grieve them