Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/8

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Brave Wolfe was our commander,
Montcalm was their defender,
Their numbers did us sorely dismay:
But brave Wolfe, stout and bold,
He would never be controll’d,
And his last dying words were, Huzza!

Contented now I die,
Since we’ve gain’d the victory,
As you tell me the battle is our own;
Let my soul depart in peace,
And the wars for ever cease,
Since my life for fair Britain is gone.

The Highlanders in hot blood !
And the Sailors, stout and rude,
Like mad-men did clash them away:
When the French began to run,
We advanced on their ground;
But our grief was for Wolfe- -O that day!

Then the citv it surrender’d,
The gates straights we enter’d,
Our (illegible text) the harbour lay thick:
We thanked the Most High,
For this signal victory,
At the glorious conquest of Quebec.