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She would not have a lowland laird,
that wears the high heel’d shoes;
But she will marry Duncan Graham,
for Duncan he wears trews.
She would not have a gentleman,
a farmer in Kilsyth,
But she would have the Highlandman
that lives into Montieth.
She would not have the Lowlandman,
nor yet the English Laddie,
But she would have the Highlandman
to row her in his plaidie.
He took her by the milk-white hand,
and he convoy’d her hame,
And still she thought both night and day
on bonny Duncan Graham.
O my bonny Duncan Graham,
why should you me miscarry,
For if you have a love for me,
we’ll meet at Castle-Carry.
As I came in by Denny-bridge,
and by the Holland-bush,
My mother took from me my clothes,
my rings, ay, and my purse.
Hold your tongue my mother dear,
for that I do not care ;
For I will go with Duncan Graham,
though I should ne’er get mair.