Page:Bonny Mally Stewart (2).pdf/4

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for seven lang years and mair, my dear,
for seven lang years and mair.

Sometimes she rade sometimes she gaed,
sometimes sat down to mourn,
And it was aye the o'ercome o' her tale,
shall I e'er see my bonny laddie come.
shall I e'er see my bonny laddie come?

The trooper turned himself round about,
all on the Irish shore;
He has gi'en the bridle reins a shake,
saying adieu for evermore, my dear,
saying adieu for evermore.


'TWAS post meridian half past four,
by signal I from Nancy parted.
At six she linger'd on the shore,
with uplift hands, and broken hearted;
At seven, while taunting the fore-stay,
I saw her faint, or else 'twas fancy.
At eight we all got under weigh,
and bid a long adieu to Nancy.