Page:Bonny Mally Stewart (2).pdf/6

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Scarce the foul hurricane was clear'd,
scarce winds and waves had ceas'd to rattle,
When a bold enemy appear'd,
and dauntless we prepar'd for battle;
And now, while some lov'd friend or wife,
like light'ning rush'd on every fancy,
To Providence I trusted life,
put up a prayer and thought on Nancy.

At last 'twas in the month of May,
the crew, it being lovely weather,
At three A M discover'd day,
and England's chalky cliffs together.
At seven up channel how we bore,
while hopes and fears rush'd on my fancy,
At twelve I gaily jump d ashore,
and to my throbbing heart press'd Nancy.


In winter when the rain rain'd cauld,
And frost and snaw on ilka hill,
And Boreas wi' his blast sae bauld.
Was threat'ning a' our kye to kill,
Then Bell my wife wha lo'es nae strife.

She said to me right hastily,