Page:Bonny bridge of Findhorn.pdf/6

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Their deep-laid ſchemes were now unfurl’d,
Before an eager, anxious world,
And all their crafty plans were hurl’d
On thoſe who fought at Bonny-Muir.

Known by the name, and by the fact,
Of leaders in this bloody tract.
For Greenock then they wheel’d them back,
And left their friends at Bonny-Muir.

The firſt fair wind they did ſet ſail,
Bleſt with an undeſerving gale,
Their dreadful crime for to bewail
On other fields than Bonny-Muir.

O may their names be ne’er forgot
By thoſe who ſhun’d this dreadful plot,
But frengthen’d be the laſting knot,
For friends miſled at Bonny-Muir.

And when that awful hour draws nigh,
That melts the heart and draws the ſigh,
O may their ſpirits ſoar on high.
To fairer fields than Bonny-Muir.

May widows left and maids forlorn,
Be comforted and ceaſe to mourn,
For brethren from their bosoms torn,
By being led to Bonny-Muir,

O may their children left, be fed;
And into this weary valley led,
Till death ſhall lay them in his bed,
To meet loſt friends at Bonny-Muir.