Page:Book Of Halloween(1919).djvu/110

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his doctrines from the pulpit, and inscribing the names of new witches in his book. The Spectre Huntsman, known in Windsor Forest as Heme the Hunter, and in Todmorden as Gabriel Ratchets, was the spirit of an ungodly hunter who for his crimes was condemned to lead the chase till the Judgment Day. In a storm on Hallowe'en is heard the belling of his hounds.

"Still, still shall last the dreadful chase
Till time itself shall have an end;
By day they scour earth's cavern'd space,
At midnight's witching hour, ascend.

"This is the horn, the hound, and horse,
That oft the lated peasant hears :
Appall'd, he signs the frequent cross,

When the wild din invades his ears."

Scott: Wild Huntsman.

In the north of England Hallowe'en was called "nut-crack" and "snap-apple night." It was celebrated by "young people and sweet-hearts."

A variation of the nut test is, naming