Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/114

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The Book of Ighan

be imagined greater, mightier and more excellent than this Day, that man should turn away from it and deprive himself of its bounties, which are pouring like the spring cloud from the presence of the Merciful? After it hath been proved with complete evidence that no day is greater than this Day, and no matter is mightier than this matter; and after all these sound and solid proofs which no one who is wise and sagacious can deny or avoid, how can man deprive himself of such great bounty through words of the doubting and visionary? Have they not heard the well-known tradition, " When the Gha'im shall rise, the resurrection shall rise "? The rightly guided Imams the inextinguishable Lights have similarly interpreted the verse, " Do (the infidels) expect less than that God shall come down to them, overshadowed with clouds" (K. S. 2) an event which they unquestionably know shall happen in the resurrection to mean His Holiness Gha'im and His appearance.

O my brother, understand then the meaning of resurrection and purify thine ears from the sayings of these rejected people. Shouldst thou step a little way into the worlds of Severance, thou wilt testify that no day greater than this Day and no resurrection mightier than this Resurrection can be imagined, and that one deed in this Day is equivalent to deeds performed during a hundred thousand years nay, I ask pardon of God for this limitation, because deeds done in this Day are sanctified beyond any limited reward. As these