Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/132

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The Book of Ighan

"end," "return," and "creation without beginning or end."

Briefly: O my beloved, the melody of the Divine world is sanctified above limitation by earthly hearing and minds. How can the ant of existence step into the court of the Adored One? Yet weak souls deny these abstruse explanations and reject similar traditions through lack of understanding. Yea, only the spiritually minded can understand this. Say this is an End to which there is no end in the creation, and a Beginning for which there is no beginning in the world of origin. So O concourse of the earth ye may behold the splendor of the End in the Manifestations of the Beginning.

It is a great astonishment that these people adhere to the verses revealed in the Koran and to the traditions of the possessors of Assurance ( Imams) , only in instances which accord with their own wish and desire, entirely rejecting others which are contrary to their inclination. " Do ye, therefore, believe in part of the Book and reject other parts thereof ( K. S. 2 )?" How then could ye judge that of which ye are ignorant? For in the Perspicuous Book, the Lord of the creatures, after speaking of " The Seal " in His exalted saying, " Mohammed is but the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets" (K. S. 3), hath promised His Own Meeting to all the people. The verses indicating the " Meeting " of that King of Eternity are recorded in the Book, and some have been already