Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/135

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The Book of Ighan

years have passed since the Manifestation of the Point of the Koran, and these worthless creatures have recited the Koran every morning, still they have not attained to a single letter of the purport, and although some of the verses they read clearly indicate the holy facts and the Manifestation of Eternal Might, yet they have utterly failed to understand. During this time they have not even comprehended that in every age the purpose of reading the Books and reciting the Epistles hath been to penetrate the significances and to reach the summits of their mysteries; otherwise reading without understanding is of no great benefit.

For instance, one day a certain person was present before this One who is needy of the sea of significances, and mention was made concerning the signs of the day of judgment, resurrection, revival and reckoning. He insisted (upon knowing) how in this new Manifestation the account of the people is settled, when no one is informed of it. Then We revealed certain scientific illustrations and philosophical points according to the understanding and comprehension of the hearer. Afterward We asked, " Hast thou not read the Koran, and hast thou not seen this blessed verse: 'On that day neither man nor genii shall be asked concerning his sin ' (K. S. 55)? Hast thou not understood that the meaning of 'questioning' is not with tongue and speech, as is evidenced and proved by the same verse?" For afterward it is said: "The sin