Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/144

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The Book of Ighan

the Common People), could be found in this city (Baghdad). The odor of pride and arrogance was inhaled from this title, for he hath assumed the people to be ignorant and himself learned. All his characteristics were in fact evident by the very title of the book, indicating that he walks in the path of egotism and desire, and dwells in the desert of ignorance and blindness. He hath peradventure forgotten the wellknown tradition, saying: u Knowledge signifies all that which is knowable, and power and might signify all that which is created." However We sent for the book and it remained with this Servant a few days. It was probably referred to twice. The second time We came by chance to a certain part relating to the "[1]Ascent " of the Master of "[2]Were it not for thee." We found he had made knowledge of the " Ascent " conditional upon the understanding of some twenty or more sciences, implying that if one were not thoroughly acquainted with them, he could not attain to the knowledge of this lofty and exalted matter. Among them he had mentioned philosophy, alchemy and natural magic, making understanding of the eternal and holy Knowledges conditional upon possession of these mortal and rejected sciences.

Praise be to God! With such understanding, what calumnies and animadversions he hath brought upon

  1. The Night Journey of Mohammed with Gabriel.
  2. One of the titles of Mohammed, taken from a tradition which relates that God said unto Him, "Were it not for thee, I would not have created the spheres."