is allotted to abstracted souls from the Holy Eternal Table sent down (from Heaven). Should ye become aware of the affliction of the Prophets and the motive and reason of the contradiction of those Divine Suns by the servants, ye will be cognizant of many things. The more ye consider the contradictions of the Day-springs of the Suns of the Attributes of Oneness by the people, the more firm and strong ye will become in your religion and in the Cause of God. Accordingly some of the stories of the Prophets are briefly recorded in these Tablets, to demonstrate and make evident that in all times and ages, they inflicted upon the Appearances of Power and Dawning-places of Might that which the pen is ashamed to relate. Perchance these statements may enable some of the people to avoid the perplexity arising from contradiction and denial by the learned and ignorant of the age, and thus increase their assurance and faith.
One of the Prophets was Noah, who admonished (lit. lamented) for nine hundred and fifty years and summoned the servants into the peaceful valley of the Spirit; yet no one responded to Him. Each day they scoffed at His Holiness in derision and inflicted so much distress and injury upon that blessed being that they felt certain of His destruction. As it is said, "And as often as a company of his people passed by him, they derided him: but, he said, Though ye scoff at us now, we will scoff at you here