Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/193

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The Book of Ighan

The pen is unable to record that which was experienced after Our return. For two years enemies have exerted their utmost effort and endeavor to destroy this humble servant, as all are informed. Nevertheless not one of the Ahbab hath rendered assistance, nor offered help. Nay rather, instead of assistance, successive and continuous sorrows like pouring rain are inflicted by words and deeds, while this servant is ready, life in hand, with all resignation, that perchance through Divine providence and favor this well-known and mentioned Letter may be sacrificed in the path of the Point and the Exalted Word. Were it not for this intention by the One at Whose command the Spirit giveth utterance We would not have tarried one moment in this city, "Whereunto God is sufficient witness." We conclude the saying with "There is no power and strength but in God alone."..."We belong to God, and unto Him shall we surely return" (K. S. 2).

The possessors of intelligence who have drunk from the choice Wine of love and have taken no step to gratify self, witness the proofs, evidence and argument which indicate this wonderful Cause and impregnable Divine Manifestation clearer than the sun in the Fourth Heaven. Now consider the turning away of the people from the Divine Beauty and their advancement toward egotistical desire. Notwithstanding all these sound verses and substantial references as recorded in the "Greatest Weight" (Koran), which