Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/20

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The Book of Ighan

Tree by unbelieving souls. Finally Pharaoh and his people exerted themselves to extinguish that fire of the Divine Tree with the water of denial and opposition; heedless that the fire of the Divine Wisdom is never quenched by material water nor the lamp of Supreme Power extinguished by contrary winds. Nay rather, in such a case water produces conflagration and the wind insures preservation, were ye to perceive with discerning sight and walk in the Good Pleasure of God.

What a beautiful explanation was that given by a believer of the family of Pharaoh, the story of which the Lord of Might hath related to His beloved ones: "A man who was a true believer of the family of Pharaoh, and concealed his faith, said, Will ye put a man to death, because he saith, God is my Lord? Seeing he is come unto you with evident signs from your Lord? If he be a liar, on him will the punishment of falsehood alight; but if he speaketh the truth, some of those judgments with which he threateneth you will fall upon you; verily God doth not guide him who is a transgressor or liar" (K. S. 40) .

At length the matter reached such an extreme that they martyred this same believer with the severest torture. "Shall not the curse of God fall upon the unjust?"

Now reflect a little upon these things, and as to the cause of such differences: that when a true Manifestation appeared in the world from the Horizon