Page:Book of Ighan (1915).djvu/31

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The Book of Ighan

ascribed to Mark, Luke and John. As these have been mentioned in detail in the Arabic Tablets, We do not undertake to mention them here, but confine ourselves to one of them. As the doctors of the Gospel did not understand the meanings of these statements and the purport deposited in these words, but adhered to their literal sense, they were therefore withheld from the river of the Mohammedic Bounty and the cloud of Ahmadic[1] Grace. The ignorant ones of that community, relying upon their learned men, were likewise prevented from beholding the beauty of the King of Glory. For these mentioned signs did not become manifest at the appearance of the Ahmadic Sun. Finally that Essence of Life returned to the eternal place of His Dominion. Centuries passed and times rolled by. Another blow of spiritual breath was breathed into the Divine Trumpet and dead souls came forth out of the tombs of heedlessness and error into the land of guidance and the place of favor. Still that community is expecting the time when these signs shall appear and the promised Temple (Christ) shall arise, that they may assist Him, expend possessions in His way and sacrifice lives in His path. By similar suppositions, other communities are kept afar from the Kawther of the Significances of the Infinite Mercy of God and are occupied with their own imagination. Besides this passage, there is another statement in the Gospel:

  1. "Ahmad" was one of the titles of Mohammed.