Page:Book of Were-wolves.djvu/20

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unavoidable, without vastly extending its limits. The arrangement that I have followed will be found sketched out at the close of the introductory chapter. The chapter on a Galician cannibal has already appeared in print, in Once a Week.

I propose making this the first of a series on Popular Superstitions, to be followed by Treatises on Marine Monsters, as Mermaids and Sea-Serpents, Vampires, the Wild Huntsman, the Wandering Jew, &c.

The subject of this first instalment, though horrible, is nevertheless full of interest and importance as elucidating a very obscure and mysterious chapter in the history of the Human Mind. When a form of superstition is prevalent everywhere, and in all ages, it must rest upon a foundation of fact; what that foundation actually is, I have, I hope, proved conclusively in the following pages.