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squalid, and labouring under cold, and hoarseness, they would be much more healthy, content, and happy, and live longer.

Observation. To bury the dead in or hear towns and villages is very injurious and dangerous to the living.

Of Cleanliness:— Washing and Bathing.

Q. Of what use is cleanliness to man?

A. It preserves his health and virtue; it clears his understanding, and encourages him to activity; it procures him the esteem of others; and none but clean people can be really cheerful and happy.

Q. How far is uncleanliness injurious to man?

A. It corrupts his health and virtue; it stupefies his mind, and sinks it into a lethargic state; it deprives him of the esteem and of love of others: besides, unclean people can never be really merry and happy.

Q. Does uncleanliness cause any maladies?

A. Yes; uncleanliness and bad air, which are commonly inseparable, produce fevers, which are not only very malignant and mortal, but contagious also.

Q. What must be done to keep the body clean?

A. It is not sufficient to wash the face, hands, and feet; it is also necessary at short intervals, to wash the skin all over the body, and to bathe frequently.

Q. Is washing and bathing the whole body wholesome?

A. Yes, it is very good; for it begets cleanliness, health, strength, and ease; and prevents catarrhs, cramps, rheumatism, palsy, the itch, and many other maladies.

Q. Why is the keeping the body so clean of so great importance?

A. Because the half of whatever man eats or