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Q. Tell me now, what becomes of children that drink spirituous liquors?

A. Children and young persons who drink brandy, or other spirituous liquors, become unhealthy, crippled, stupid, rude, lazy, vicious, and depraved, both as to mind and body.

Q. Doth brandy or any other spirituous liquor, destroy or prevent worms in the bowels?

A. No. Exhortation Fathers and mothers, if you wish to obtain the blessing of the Almighty in an especial manner— if you aspire after heavenly rewards, take care not to suffer your children to drink of spirituous liquors, not even a single drop.

Of Tobacco.

Q. Is the smoking of tobacco good?

A. No; it is not good, for much of the spittle, which is necessary for digestion is thereby lost, and is hurtful to health, to the teeth, and to the organs of taste.

Q. Observation. The chewing of tobacco is equally pernicious.

Q. Is the taking of snuff proper?

A. No; it is a very bad custom, as the nose through which man breathes is stuffed up by it, the important sense of smell destroyed, and uncleanliness and loss of health induced by its use.

Of Exercise and Rest.

Q. What advantage doth man derive from bodily exercise, activity, and labour?

A. Bodily exercise, particularly in the open air, creates hunger and thirst, helps the digestion of our food, and makes it nourishing; it purifies the blood, keeps the bowels healthy, and causes rest and sound sleep.

Q. Can any body remain in a good state of health, without much bodily exercise?