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A. No; it is very dangerous. Trees and vapours which encompass them, attract the lightning, and persons standing under them are in the utmost danger of their lives.

Q. What precautions are people to take when at home during a thunder-storm?

A. They are, when the storm is still at a distance, to open the doors and windows of their rooms, chambers, and stables, in order to expel all vapours, and fill them with fresh air. When it draws nearer, the windows are to be shut, and the doors left open, that fresh air may be admitted, avoiding carefully a free steam of air. They are, further, to keep at a proper distance from walls, chimneys, and ovens, and from all iron and metal, in particular from long iron rods or wires.

Of over-heating ourselves, and catching Cold.

Q If, through violent bodily exercise, labour, running, or dancing, we have over-heated ourselves, what ought we not to do?

A. 1. We ought not immediately to sit down or rest ourselves.

2. Drinking immediately after such violent exercise any thing cold, or even brandy or other spirituous liquor, is highly improper.

3. We ought not to expose our bare skin to the cold air.

4. We ought not to go into the cold bath: when thoroughly wet from rain, it is proper to walk about.

5. We ought not to sit down on the ground, or on the grass: and we should be particularly careful not to fall asleep, otherwise sickness, lameness, or perhaps consumption will be the consequences.

Of the Beauty and Perfection of the Human Body.

Q. By what particular means may health be attained?

A. By free and easy exercise during infancy; free