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Of Health; its Value, and the Duty of preserving it.

Q. Can we possibly promote the perfection and happiness of our souls, if we do not take proper care of our bodies?

A. No. God has so intimately united soul and body, that by a rational care taken of the body, the happiness and purity of the soul is increased.

Q. What is understood by a state of good health?

A. That the body is free from pains and infirmities, fulfils its duties cheerfully and with ease, and is always obedient to the soul.

Q. How does he feel who enjoys health?

A. Strong ; full of vigour and spirits; he relishes his meals; is not affected by wind and weather; goes through exercise and labour with ease, and feels himself always happy.

Q. And what are the sensations of the sick? Are they like those we have described?

A. By no means; the sick man feels himself weak and languid; he has no appetite; he cannot work, nor brave wind and weather; and he labours under continual anxiety and pains.

Q. What says the son of Sirach of health?

A. In Ecclesiasticus 30th Chapter, v. 14, 15, 16, he says, ‘Better is the poor being sound and strong of constitution, than a rich man that is afflicted in his body. Health and good estate of body are above all gold, and a strong body above infinite wealth. There are no riches above a sound body, and no joy above the joy of the heart.’

Of the Duration of Life, and the Signs of Health.

Q. How long is man destined to enjoy health?

A. He ought to live almost uninterruptedly in a perfect state of health.