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Q. Do children rest and sleep without being rocked?

A. Yes. If they be kept continually dry and clean, and in fresh air, they will rest and sleep well, if not disturbed; the rocking and carrying about of children is quite useless.

As the human soul in a state of infancy is disturbed by rocking, carrying about and dancing, such practices ought to be considered as dangerous and erroneous.

The mother ought to play with the child in an affectionate and gentle manner; ought to give it frequent and mild exercise, and instil gradually into its mind a knowledge of such objects as attract its notice.

Q. Is it in general necessary to keep children quiet?

A. Yes it is.

Q. What is therefore very bad?

A. The making a great noise about children; and it is still worse to frighten them.

Q. It is, therefore, not advisable, I suppose to frighten children into sleep?

A. By no means; because they may be thrown into convulsions by it.

Q. Is it necessary or good to give children composing draughts, or other medicines, that tend to promote sleep?

A. No. They cause an unnatural, and, of course, unwholesome, sleep; and are very hurtful and dangerous.

Q. How long must a mother suckle her child?

A. From nine to twelve months.

In fact the child ought to be suckled till it has two teeth in each jaw. Some children are suckled for two or three years; a practice not only erroneous, but hurtful both to mother and child.

Q. What sort of aliment is prejudicial to the health of children?