Page:Book of knowledge (1).pdf/11

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are on horseback, and that he runs away with you, denotes you shall speedily be called away on some business contrary to your liking. A woman to dream she kisses another woman, denotes disappointment in love and barrenness. To dream you are pleasantly sailing on calm water, denotes a peaceable and quiet life: but, if storms arise, expect troubles. For a woman to dream a ring is put on her finger, denotes success in love and marriage; but if it be suddenly taken off or fall off, it signifies disappointment in love, and the breaking off of the match. To dream you are hunting a hare, and she escapes, betokens loss and disappointment in business. To dream a gold chain falls from your neck, betokens the loss of the favour of friends. To dream you are courting a beautiful woman, denotes flattery. To dream you are forced against your will to descend from a pleasant hill, denotes falling from promotion and disappointment in preferment. To dream of a sudden fit of joy at the sight of any thing, betokens the arrival of friends. To dream you are at banquets but do not eat, betokens scarcity. To dream one puts a new glove on and it remains so, denotes new friendship or marriage. To dream you fall into a deep pit, denotes some sudden surprise and danger. A woman to dream she is with child, denotes sorrow and heaviness. To dream that you quench fire, denotes overcoming anger, and recovery from sickness. To dream you bear a voice, but sees not what utters it, denotes you shall be deluded by feigned pretenders. To dream you are walking in a garden of flowers, and among groves of trees denotes much pleasure and delight to ensue from some virtuous conversation. To dream of moons contending in the firmament, denotes divisions among friends and relations. To dream your truth are drawn or drop out, denotes the loss of children or other relations. To dream of drinking unmercifully, denotes displeasure, crosses and sickness. To dream you are pursued by furious wild beasts, and cannot