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pass of this perfect shadow, (the diameter is about 3000 miles) do use the whole light of the sun, which has caused such darkness, that the stars have appeared at noon-day, and so dreadful, that the birds have fallen to the ground.

The complete Gardener; containing Observations on
every Month in the Year,for Planting and Sowing.

January. PLANT vines, and lay them for increase; the apple and pear-trees, and all sort of wall trees; if the weather be open, trim wall fruit trees, cut and nail them; set and sow kernels and stones, in this and the next month, breaking only the stones or shells, and sow only the kernel; sow beans and pease, cut, set, and lay quicksets and roses; all these may be done also in the next month.

February. Now is a very good time for grafting the forward sort of fruit trees; if the weather be temperate, sow hardy seeds, as pease, beans, radishes, parsnips, carrots, onions, parsley, spinage, make up hot beds for melons, cucumbers, and such like; lay branches of vines, roses, woodbines, jessamines, lutestines, philleory, pyracuth, &c. Plant gooseberries, currants, raspberries and begin to plant hardy herbs towards the latter end of this month; transplant cabbage, colliflowers, and sow asparagus.

March. This is the principal month for grafting all sorts of fruit-trees, transplanting all sorts of hardy herbs and flovers, make up hot-beds for cucumbers, melons, colliflowers, to come late, to Russia cabbage and tender flower seeds, as amaranths of all sorts, and garden-seed, marvil, of Pern, &c. Sow most sort of garden-seed, as endevo, succor, leeks, radish, beets, parsnips, skirrets, parsley, sorrel buggloss, hurrage; chervill, cellery, lettice, onions, orice, purstin, carrots, cresses, spinseeds; likewise turnips in this or the next month to have them early. This is the principal month for sowing seeds, and planting flow-