Page:Book of knowledge (1).pdf/23

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it so well that she sent him for the rest; who replied there was but few remaining; she notwithstanding sent him for them at any rate. The steward coming to the market again, could not buy the odd apples under a penny a piece, who was fain to give it, then had the youngest sister three penny-worth, the middle sister two penny-worth, and the eldest one penny-worth, and so they had all fourpence a-piece, and yet sold as many for a penny one as another, and neither changed apples nor money one with another, as they were commanded.


How to cure that troublesome Companion the Ague.

TAKE the common bitter drink without the purgatives, two quarts; salt of wormwood two ounces, the best English saffron, a dram. After you have taken the vomit, or convenient purge, take half a pint of this three times a day, viz. in the morning fasting, three o’clock in the afternoon, and last at night.

How to cure that tormenting Disease the Cholic.

TAKE anniseeds, sweet-fennel seeds, coriander, carraway seeds, of each two drams, cummin seeds a dram, raced ginger a small quantity, bruise all in a mortar, and put them into a quart of Nauts brandy, let them infuso three days shaking the bottle three or four times a-day, then strain and keep it for use. Take two or three spoonfuls in the fit.

How to help Deafness, and to expel Wind from the

TAKE five or six drops or more of wine or good acquavitae in a spoon, and folding down your head