Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/10

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April, from the beginning to the end, sow Pease and Beans.

May, first or second week, plant early Cabbages.

July, first or second week, plant Greens for winter use, in any ground from which the early crops have been gathered.
August, third or fourth week, sow. early Cabbage Greens, and late Cabbages to plant out in the spring.


In dry and warm weather take care to water the seed-beds and plants lately moved; secure the seed-beds and pease from birds; destroy insects; and thin out the crops in the seed-beds, if too thick.

At all times keep your garden clean from weeds especially your crops of carrots and onions. Cut only a small part of the potatoes with eyes for planting the remaining part may be saved for use, Two eyes in each set are enough.

Dig the ground as soon as the autumn crops have taken off; lay it up in ridges, that it may have the benefit of the frost.

It is of great benefit to keep bees. Three hives are often worth as much as your rent: they require but little attention; they should be watched while they swarm; and the hive must be covered from the snow in winter, and the heat of summer.

The produce of the garden will be in proportion to the care taken of it; don't waste any thing that can be converted into manure.

Keep the hog styes clean; the hogs improve mo(illegible text) and the garden is enriched. To the mine of dung from the styes, add the decayed leaves of the vegetables, and what the hogs will not eat, such as the soot and ashes from the chimney and fire, the suds