Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/12

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great care and attention, in fields of two acres, each year, by taking alternate portions of equal area in the same field; Handling the blossoms from some of the divisions, and leaving others to ripen to seed; attending in the Autumn, when the Potatoes were taking up, and measuring the produce with great care, he uniformly found the quantity increase 10 or 15 percent. where the blossoms were taken out besides there being few small Potatoes in the field. He also found the quantity much improved in consequence of the crop ripening sooner than usual, and therefore not affected by the frosts, which often set in so early that the growth of the Potatoe is completely checked before it arrives at maturity: he has continued the practice for the last five or six years, on fields from four to nine acres, and considers the experiment worth prosecuting to any extent: the expence about 3s. per acre, and done by children from ten to twelve years of age.


Frost-bitten Potatoes.

After paring or scraping let them lie in water an hour, and then boil them with a bit of saltpetre, which is said to take the sweetness quite away.