Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/3

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Sow more pease and beans for a succession; also radishes, lettuces, cresses, parsely, &c. Spinage may be sown every three or four weeks, to have a constant supply: also a few cabbage and savoy seeds about the end of the month. A few onion seeds may be sown about the middle of the month, which often do better than those sown later. Prepare ground for potatoes, onions, and other roots. Gather fresh horse dung to prepare for making up hot beds for cucumbers and melons. As green house plants will require fresh air at all times, when the season will permit, a little may be given about mid-day, if the weather is mild and clear, and the wind still; and water may be given in small quantities to such plants as want it, picking off all decayed leaves. Plant ranunculuses and anemonies. Sow tender annual flowers, on a moderate hot-bed.


Make small hot-beds for raising cucumbers and melon plants. Plant some early potatoes on a warm sheltered situation, covering them, in frosty evenings, with litter or pease straw. About the middle sow brocoli, cabbages, savoys, asparagus,