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The Famous Doctor Johan Gerson, Chancellor OF Paris, taking his ground from Holy Scripture, and according with holy doctors, saith thus:

Our most merciful Father, Lord God, knowing our frailty and readiness to all sin, is ever ready during this wretched and mortal life, by many and diverse ways to forgive us ever our trespass and to grant and give us His grace; if so be that truly we do ordain unto Him these iii virtues following, so that they be said and done with all the heart devoutly.

The first is that thou shalt say: Blessed Lord, I knowledge that I have sinned grievously against Thy goodness thus and thus — rehearsing thy sins, — and I am displeased therewith, by reason of the which I do penance and will do; for I know well that I have grieved the merciful Lord and broken Thy commandments, in the which Thou only ought to be worshipped.

The second, say this: Good Lord, I have a good purpose and desire with Thy help to be right ware hereafter that I fall not into sin, and I entend to flee the occasions after the possibility of my power.

The third is this: Gracious Lord, I have good will to make an whole confession of all my sins, when place and time convenient may be had, according to Thy commandments and all holy church.

These three verities or truths whosoever