- Niclas (Hendrick), of Leyden, 32.
- North Briton (No. 45), 177.
- Okeford Games), 102.
- Orléans (Louis d'), 18.
- Osma (Peter d'), 7
- Oxford (University of) Decree against certain pernicious books, 192.
- Parseus (David), 60.
- Parliament's Ten Commandments, 101.
- Parliaments Pater Noster, 101.
- Parsons (Robert), the Jesuit, 37, 39.
- Pascal, 12.
- Peignot, the historian of Condemned Books, 2.
- Pidanzet, 21.
- Pocklington (Dr. John), 95–8.
- Pomponadus, 7.
- Porphyry, 5.
- Primatt (Joseph), 102.
- Prynne (William), 30, 77–93.
- Racoman Catechism, 111–13.
- Raleigh (Sir Walter), 59.
- Ravnal (Abbé), 23.
- Reboulet, 21.
- Reeves' Thoughts on English Goverment, 186.
- Rousseau, 13.
- Rowlands (Samuel), 45.
- Rutherford (Samuel), 122.
- Rye House Plot, Decree against pernicious books, 191.
- Sacheverell (Henry), 157–61.
- Sainte Foi, 12.
- Salmasius, 119.
- Sanctarel, the Jesuit, 20.