5. Great Festival,
6. Festivals of Great Heat and Little Heat,
7. Festivals of the month, 12 in number,
8. Festivals of the half-month, 12 in number,
9. Festival of Āḥā-......,
10. Festivals of Saṭ, 12 in number,
11. Festival of Khen,
12. Festival of the Nile Flood,
13. Festival of the rise of Sothis,
14. Festival of the rise of Sem,
15. Festival of Khet ḳerḥ,
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16. Festivals of the 6th day of the month, 12 in number,
17. Festival of [Shetchet] shā,
18. Festivals of the Five Epagomenal Days,
19. Good Festival of him that is on the hill, i.e., Anubis,
20. Festival of Uaḳ,