it ruled throughout all this earth. When there fell on them their moment[1] through plant-like clouds, I restored what had been taken away from them, and I appeared from out of the plant-like clouds. I created creeping things of every kind, and every thing which came into being from them. Shu and Tefnut brought forth [Seb and] Nut; and Seb and Nut brought forth Osiris, and Ḥeru-khent-ȧn-maati,[2] and Set, and Isis, and Nephthys at one birth,[3] one after the other, and they produced their multitudinous offspring in this earth.”
The Book of knowing the evolutions of Rā, and of overthrowing Āpep. [These are] the words of the god Neb-er-tcher, who said:—- “I am the creator of what hath come into being, and I myself came into being under the form of the god Kheperȧ, and I came into being in primeval time. I came into being in the form of Kheperȧ, and I am the creator of what did come into being, that is to say, I formed myself out of the primeval matter, and I made and formed myself out of the substance which existed in primeval time. My name is Ȧusȧres (i.e., Osiris), who is the primeval matter of primeval matter.