II. This Chapter shall be said over [a figure of] the Cow.--The supporters [called] Ḥeḥ-enti shall be by her shoulder. The supporters [called] Ḥeḥ-enti shall be at her side, and one cubit and four spans of hers shall be in colours, and nine stars shall be on her belly, and Set shall be by her two thighs and shall keep watch before her two legs, and before her two legs shall be Shu, under her belly, and he shall be made (i.e., painted) in green qenȧt colour. His two arms shall be under the stars, and his name shall be made (i.e., written) in the middle of them, namely, "Shu himself." A boat with a rudder and a double shrine shall be therein, and Ȧten (i.e., the Disk) shall be above it, and Rā shall be in it, in front of Shu, near his hand, or, as another reading hath, behind him, near his hand. And the udders of the Cow shall be made to be between her legs, towards the left side. And on the two flanks, towards the middle of the legs, shall be done in writing [the words], "The exterior heaven," and "I am what is in me," and "I will not permit them to make her to turn." That which is [written] under the boat which is in front shall read, "Thou shalt not be motionless, my son;" and the words which are written, in an opposite direction shall read, "Thy support is like life," and "The word is as the word there," and "Thy son is with me," and "Life, strength, and health be to thy nostrils!" And that which is behind Shu, near his shoulder,
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