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Page:Books on Egypt and Chaldaea, Vol. 32--Legends of the Gods.pdf/166

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Shu, it is the Soul of Khnemu(?), it is the Soul of Ḥeḥ, it is the Soul of Kek and Ḳerḥ (i.e.. Night and Darkness), it is the Soul of Nu and of Rā, it is the Soul of Osiris, the lord of Ṭeṭṭu, it is the Soul of the Sebàk Crocodile-gods and of the Crocodiles, it is the Soul of every god [who dwelleth] in the divine Snakes, it is the Soul of Āpep in Mount Bakhau (i.e., the Mount of Sunrise), and it is the Soul of Rā which pervadeth the whole world."

Whosoever sayeth [these words] worketh his own protection by means of the words of power, "I am the god Ḥekau (i.e., the divine Word of power), and [I am] pure in my mouth, ad [in] my belly; [I am] Rā from whom the gods proceeded. I am Rā, the Light-god (Khu)." When thou sayest [this], step forth in the evening and in the morning on thine own behalf if thou wouldst make to fall the enemies of Rā. I am his Soul, and I am Ḥeka.

Hail, thou lord of eternity, thou creator of ever­lastingness, who bringest to nought the gods who came forth from Rā, thou lord of thy god, thou prince who didst make what made thee, who art beloved by the fathers of the gods, on whose head are the pure words of power, who didst create the woman (erpit) that standeth on the south side of thee, who didst create the goddess who hath her face on her breast, and the serpent which standeth