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Page:Books on Egypt and Chaldaea, Vol. 32--Legends of the Gods.pdf/168

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on his tail, with her eye on his belly, and with his tail on the earth, to whom Thoth giveth praises, and upon whom the heavens rest, and to whom Shu stretcheth out his two hands, deliver thou me from those two great gods who sit in the east of the sky, who act as wardens of heaven and as wardens of earth, and who make firm the secret places, and who are called "Āaiu-su," and "Per-f-er-maa-Nu." Moreover [there shall be] a purifying on the ..... day of the month ......., even according to the performance of the ceremonies in the oldest time.

Whosoever shall recite this Chapter shall have life in Neter-kher (i.e., Underworld), and the fear of him shall be much greater than it was formerly [upon earth]........ and they shall say, "Thy names are 'Eternity' and 'Everlastingness.'" They are called, "Ȧu-peḥ-nef-n-āa-em-ta-uat-ȧpu," and "Rekh-kuȧ-[tut]-en-neter-pui-..... en en-ḥrȧ-f-Ḥer-shefu." I am he who hath strengthened the boat with the company of the gods, and his Shenit, and his Gods, by means of words of power.