Page:Booth Tarkington - Alice Adams.djvu/421

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that's neither here nor there, right now. What I was thinking of saying—well, did your father happen to let out that he and I had words this morning?"


"Well, we did." He sighed and shook his head. "Your father—well, he used some pretty hard expressions toward me, young lady. They weren't so, I'm glad to say, but he used 'em to me, and the worst of it was he believed 'em. Well, I been thinking it over, and I thought I'd just have a kind of little talk with you to set matters straight, so to speak."

"Yes, Mr. Lamb."

"For instance," he said, "it's like this. Now, I hope you won't think I mean any indelicacy, but you take your brother's case, since we got to mention it, why, your father had the whole thing worked out in his mind about as wrong as anybody ever got anything. If I'd acted the way your father thought I did about that, why, somebody just ought to take me out and shoot me! Do you know what that man thought?"

"I'm not sure."

He frowned at her, and asked, "Well, what do you think about it?"