Page:Boris Souvarine - The Third International.djvu/26

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Social Democratic Federation), the Workers' Socialist Federation, the Socialist Labour Party (of Scotland), the South Wales Socialist Society, and an important fraction of the Independent Labour Party.

In Ireland, the Revolutionary Socialist Party.

In Spain, the Left of the Socialist Party, which obtained at the Congress of December 13th, 1919, 12,500 votes in favour of the Third International, against 14,000 on the Right, and the National Confederation of Workers which has a membership of a million.

In the United States, the Socialist Labour Party, united to the Industrial Workers of the World, the Communist Party, the Communist Labour Party, an important fraction of the Socialist Party, which latter is much reduced by the double secession of the Communists, and the Socialist Propaganda League.

In Mexico, the Communist Party, a former revolutionary fraction of the Socialist Party.

In Brazil and the Argentine, the Communist Parties.

In Australia, the Socialist Party.

In South Africa, the International Socialist League.

In Asia, important groups whose organisations, paralysed by the tyranny of eastern despots, are more often than not under the direction of members living in foreign countries. The Japanese have their Committee in the United States, the Koreans in Russia, etc.

Besides these the most important of the young Socialist organisations belong to the Communist International. From the 20th to the 26th November, 1919, the First Congress of the Young International Communists met secretly in Berlin.

Fourteen groups were represented of which the following is the list:

Russian Communist Youth. 80,000 members.

Polish Communist Youth 8,000 members.

German Free Socialist Youth, 35,000 members.

Socialist Youth of Italy, 30,000 members.

Socialist Youth of Spain, 6.000 members.

Social Democratic Youth of Sweden, 30,000 members.

Social Democratic Youth of Norway, 12,000 members.

Social Democratic Youth of Denmark, 12,000 members.