Page:Bound to Succeed.djvu/129

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culate it will take about three days to clean up the lot. Mother, you must run the business here while I'm gone. We will have to stay at Riverton nights."

"Shall I keep on with the needles?" asked Markham.

"Yes, but not here. We will make Riverton headquarters for this trip. You can come with me, and try the false moustaches on the community."

"Some needles, too," said Markham. "I'll guarantee to sell a gross of the moustaches in two days."

Markham did quite as well the second day as he had the first. It pleased Frank to note how he seemed emerging from a worried-looking, distressed refugee into a bright, laughing, happy boy. Mrs. Ismond had taken a great liking to him, and he seemed never tired of helping Frank with his chores clear up to bed time.

The moustaches arrived the next afternoon. They had a merry evening, Markham applying moustache, goatee and false teeth to his face, and giving character imitations thus disguised, which he had seen at some show.

Frank hired a light wagon and horse for three days, and the next morning he and Markham drove over to Riverton. They arranged for a cheap