Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/131

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"I'll follow them and see what they are up to," he said to himself. "Perhaps I may be instrumental in stopping some big crime—a robbery or something."

The young electrician wished that there had been a policeman in sight, that he might have enlisted the officer's sympathies in the shadowing of the suspected ones. But on such nights as this guardians of the peace are hard to find.

Felter and Nolan took the most direct route to the factory, passing through several narrow streets and alleyways, and never pausing excepting to catch their breath after making their way through some unusually high snowdrift. Evidently they did not dream of being followed, for neither of them looked back once during the entire trip.

Arriving at the factory yard, they walked along the high board fence until they came to a place where there was a loose board. This they shoved to one side, and a second later both disappeared from view.

With his heart beating somewhat stronger than usual, Franklin crept up to the opening in the fence and peered into the yard. The darkness and snow hid all but the gray factory building from view, and after a brief deliberation the young electrician followed in the footprints of those who had preceded him.

Franklin wished that he possessed a weapon of