Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/254

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said, shrilly. "Both of you shall not fight that brave boy!"

"Nonsense. Mrs. Bliss! It is for the best. He is no friend to you," fumed the part owner of the battery works.

He pushed the woman aside, and, though she brought down the pitcher with all her force, he was lucky enough to dodge it. The next moment both he and Nathan Fipher had Franklin flat on his back on the floor, and were doing their best to beat him into insensibility with their fists.

The young electrician objected very strongly to this treatment. The first blow sent the hot blood surging through his veins, and the second made him truly desperate.

Drawing up his knee, he kicked out vigorously, and his heavy shoe caught Nathan Fipher directly in the chin, causing that individual to howl with sudden pain. Then Franklin turned all of his attention to Montague Smith.

Over the two rolled, until they lay almost directly under the stand upon which stood the battery Wilbur Bliss had made for his sister's use, to cure her rheumatism.

"Look out for my battery!" cried Mrs. Bliss. "Don't knock it over!" No one paid any attention to her. Nathan Fipher had somewhat recovered from the shock of the kick in the chin, and again came forward, bent upon planting his heel upon Franklin's chest.