Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/27

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teries and allowed first the girls and then the boys to examine it, and he explained how it worked, getting so warmed to his subject that he actually delivered a little address.

Then all present were told to join hands, the first person in the circle taking hold of one handle of the battery and the last person hold of the other, and then Franklin turned on the current gradually.

The girls shrieked and the boys laughed as the strange sensation shot through them, and Will pretended to be electrified, as he termed it, and began to cut up a series of monkeyshines, which set everybody in a roar.

"I declare, they do go wild over it," said Mrs. Bell, who stood in the hall doorway looking on. "If only some accident don't happen."

"Franklin appears to be a very careful boy," replied Mrs. Moore, who sat near. "Besides, I imagine those batteries are not strong enough to do any serious damage."

After everyone had had all the shocks desired, Franklin placed the battery to one side and brought forth several bottles, some glass, and a number of strips of metal.

"Now I will show you something that has just been discovered," he said. "We will place these bits of glass in a tumbler of water——"

A violent ringing at the front door bell interrupted him. There was a hush as Mrs. Bell opened the door.