Page:Boys Life of Mark Twain.djvu/12

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XXIV. The Discovery of "The Jumping Frog" 141
XXV. Hawaii and Anson Burlingame 148
XXVI. Mark Twain, Lecturer 153
XXVII. An Innocent Abroad, and Home Again 163
XXVIII. Olivia Langdon. Work on the "Innocents" 169
XXIX. The Visit to Elmira and its Consequences 173
XXX. The New Book and a Wedding 178
XXXI. Mark Twain in Buffalo 182
XXXII. At Work on "Roughing It" 186
XXXIII. In England 189
XXXIV. A New Book and New English Triumphs 192
XXXV. Beginning "Tom Sawyer" 198
XXXVI. The New Home 202
XXXVII. "Old Times," "Sketches," and "Tom Sawyer" 205
XXXVIII.  Home Pictures 209
XXXIX. Tramping Abroad 212
XL. "The Prince and the Pauper" 219
XLI. General Grant at Hartford 222
XLII. Many Investments 225
XLIII. Back to the River, with Bixby 229
XLIV. A Reading-tour with Cable 232
XLV. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" 236
XLVI. Publisher to General Grant 239
XLVII. The High-tide of Fortune 243
XLVIII. Business Difficulties. Pleasanter Things 246
XLIX. Kipling at Elmira. Elsie Leslie. The "Yankee" 256
L. The Machine. Good-by to Hartford. "Joan" Is Begun 261
LI. The Failure of Webster & Co. Around the World. Sorrow  271
LII. European Economies. 280