Page:Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron.djvu/42

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Ralph, still laughing at the absurdity of his requiring a bodyguard.

"Let me see," replied Frank. "There's Lanky Wallace, for one; Buster Billings, for the second, and Paul Bird, for the third."

"Three good men, and true. I see that I'll be well protected on my journey of half a dozen blocks!" cried Ralph.

"Oh, that's only a beginning. Each one of them agreed to get two other fellows belonging to the team, if possible; for they want all the practice they can get. So there will be nine in the bunch that follows after you; ten, counting myself!"

"Oh, splash! That's an army! Why so many, Frank, when I'd be willing to go anywhere with just you along for company." demanded the other.

"Thanks for the compliment; but, you see, everybody wanted to go, and bring others, and so I had to let 'em have their way. Now, you'll probably never see a sign of our crowd as you walk along, whistling and seeming to be unsuspicious. But at the first sign of trouble, lift your sweet voice and sing out the rallying cry we all know, 'Columbiad!' That will fetch us on the jump, Ralph. Hold them off as best you can for a dozen seconds, and then prepare to laugh."

"All right, seeing that it's your joke. Honestly, I don't think they'll pay any attention to poor me;