that privilege, old fellow, because of the great interest I've had in all that concerns you."
"You deserve everything, Frank, for you've been as close as a brother to me. I shiver to think what a lonely life I would have led here in Columbia only for the generous big-hearted way you and your friends took me in on trust. I can never forget it, never do enough in return," said Ralph, with tears in his eyes, for he felt very keenly upon this matter.
"Shucks! the favor is all on the other side. We've enjoyed your company to the limit. Outside of Paul, there isn't a fellow I've come to care so much for, even good old Lanky. Forget all about your troubles for a time, and try to have just a bully good vacation. When the proper day arrives I'm sure it will be all right, and your dearest wish come true."
That was the way Frank talked, and who could withstand his arguments. Ralph was soon feeling quite merry again, and entered into the preparations for going off to the country with all the animation any ordinary care-free boy would be expected to show.
But the scattering hosts would assemble again when the September days came around with new sports calculated to arouse their enthusiasm once more. With the cool autumn breezes their thoughts would run to strenuous endeavors on the football